Coconut Oil Egg Sauce is the spicy and healthy recipe of egg sauce with coconut oil, egg yolks, flour, milk, onion and spices in it. This recipe can be served on any other breakfast recipe, main meals, salads and snacks too.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- Coconut Oil 2 tablespoons
- Chopped Egg Yolks 6 (hard-boiled)
- Flour 3 tablespoons
- Milk 2 cups
- Onion ½ piece
- Bay Leaf 1 big leaf or 1 teaspoon of small leaves
- Cloves 3
- Ground Nutmeg ¼ teaspoon
- Black Pepper Powder ¼ teaspoon
- Salt to taste
1. Heat coconut oil in a pan
2. Add slowly the wheat flour to it and mix well
3. Add milk, onion piece, bay leaf, cloves, salt and black pepper powder to it
4. Continue cooking for 5 minutes on gentle heat
5. Remove onion piece from the mixture
6. Add nutmeg and stir well
7. Add to it egg yolks
8. Heat for 2-3 minutes, mix well and remove from heat.
How to Serve: Serve it hot. Garnish it with mint leaves or any other spices like coriander leaves, basil leaves, thyme and parsley. This sauce can be preserved and can be served when required. Honey can also be added to each serving for decoration or can be added to the complete recipe for natural sweetness and better health.
Healthy Tips: Coconut oil is good for the overall health of the body and egg yolk is rich in proteins and vitamins. Serving this recipe on any other food is delicious and healthy too. This recipe provides additional health along with the normal diet and hence can be prepared many times. Since the coconut oil is used for preparing this recipe, one can easily digest it and reap the health benefits of it.
So, are you going to prepare the delicious and healthy recipe of coconut oil egg sauce today?